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Join our Forum (select 'Full Membership 2024-2025 New Member') and start the upcoming season with a party!
Come mingle, socialize and connect. Meet new friends and find out what our Forum is all about!
We'll preview plans for our inspiring Speaker Series (including dinner and beverages), our provocative Book Group, our timely Salon Queries, our delicious Seasonal Cooking Reviews ... and not to mention our newest, fun Local Adventures and ad hoc Watering Hole Strolls! Our members also host several, fun Grown-up Parties (bring a partner/friend/spouse) throughout the season. We also contribute to our communities.
Let's explore other fun ideas to get together!
Our members’ broad variety of talents, experiences and backgrounds never cease to amaze and, when shared, can strengthen the fabric of our Forum – creating unique year-over-year experiences, while simultaneously reinforcing lasting friendships.
Our season opener will feature scrumptious appetizers, sweet treats, wine and other beverages.
Bring a friend (or several!) who may also be interested in joining our Forum.